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How Can Performance Pressure Affect Your Learning Process

How Can Performance Pressure Affect Your Learning Process?

According to a study by Boston University, almost 80 out of 100 students go through a bad mental health phase because of the undeniable academic and p ...

5 Strategies To Never Forget What You Learn

5 Strategies To Never Forget What You Learn

If you are a student who struggles with remembering what you study, don’t lose hope; almost all of us are in the same boat! There are times when you ...

Teacher giving lesson

Top Qualities of a Good Teacher

Teaching is a very honorable profession. Teachers play a key role in mentoring students. Students look up to their teachers, home tutors, and mentors ...

Social distancing

The psychological impact of COVID19 on mental health & social development of human beings

COVID 19 has emerged as one of the most deadly viruses in history and has affected all continents. The contagious nature of COVID19 is not only restri ...