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How to Be a Good Student ?

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First, let’s make it clear. Being a good student is not limited to scoring good grades. There is no doubt that good grades are important in the growth of your academic career and they open multiple doors for you. But, being a good student is not limited to getting good grades at all. Grades are only a part of your education and not the whole of it. Being a good student takes a whole lot of more critical thinking skills, discipline, focus and routine. One important thing to realize is that successful students are not more intelligent or gifted than other students. They just have discipline, focus and winning study habits. They’re just more disciplined and focused, and they’ve developed winning study habits. So if you don’t feel as if you’re a smart student, don’t worry.. So in this article today, you will know everything there is about how to be a good student. Moreover, if you need some extra help, you can always hire a private tutor in Riyadh,

1. Work Systematically

The first trait of an excellent student is that they function on predetermined systems that ensure that they get the work done. These systems could be anything ranging from planned study routines, timetables etc. Waiting for the motivation to come as a revelation is a classic sign of a lazy student.

2. Revise and Review

If you are wondering how to be good in studies, you should know that at night, you should go over all the new information you have acquired that day. This daily review might seem tedious at times but we promise that it won’t take much of your time. It is an extremely necessary step which ensures that you grasp the material and concepts clearly. Moreover, in this way, your brain retains this information in the long term memory as well.

3. Document Everything

In order to be a good student you must record everything. This incorporates schoolwork to be finished, test and test dates, project cutoff times, rivalry dates, school and family occasions, and so forth. Try not to accept that you’ll have the option to recollect that anything; record everything to remain coordinated. This tip may sound limited, yet life just gets busier as you get more established. So this tip will work well for you for the remainder of your life.

writing on book

4. Create a Weekly Schedule

This tip is as old as time, you must always plan before you study. This is what makes a good student. It not only helps you stay on schedule but also enables you to make the most of your time. The tasklist may seem daunting at first, but there is no way it can match the satisfaction of checking it off your list. However, we are cognizant of the fact that it is impossible to follow a schedule down to the minute, but it’s still helpful to create a schedule. Your rough weekly schedule can be planned around school, co curricular activities, religious commitments and recurring events etc.

5. Eliminate Distractions

The biggest obstacle to doing well in school is distractions. To overcome distractions, you can’t depend on willpower. Only a few of us possess the willpower that is strong which can help us overcome the distractions. You must switch off your phone or put it on focus mode and move away from all the distractions that might occur in the middle of your study session.

6. Develop Good Posture

For centuries, yogis and athletes are screaming about the importance of good posture. Good posture improves your mood, and also enhances your memory and learning. In order to make the most of your study session, it is advised that you sit up straight, pull your shoulders back, and lift up your chin. In this way, you can study for longer without getting tired.

7. Avoid Multitasking

As much as you hear about the importance of multitasking, avoid it at all costs. There is nothing in this world which drains you more than multitasking. Because, when you are multitasking, you’re actually just switching between tasks. This reduces your studying efficiency. You should focus on one task at a time, and you’ll realize that you’ll get more done in less time.

8. Believe in Yourself

Research has shown that students who accept that they can become more intelligent really become more brilliant. Conviction is that amazing. All in all, knowledge is a characteristic that you can create over the long run. Absolutely never name yourself as “moronic” or “not scholastically slanted”, on the grounds that with the correct mentality you can turn out to be more shrewd.

9. Work in Small Blocks of Time

It is generally recommended to work in 30- to 45-minute blocks, followed by a 5- to 10-minute break. Working in smaller blocks of time is more effective for the majority of students, rather than struggling to focus for a couple of hours straight.

10. Exercise Regularly

Exercise to be a superior student. Standard exercise assists you with recollecting data better, improves your focus, and makes you more inventive. This is notwithstanding the other medical advantages of activity. What’s the significance here for students who need to be more efficient in school? Make practice a fixed piece of your week after week schedule. Exercise three to four times each week, for at any rate 20 to 30 minutes each time.

11. Be Organised

Students who aren’t organised end up wasting precious time looking for items or notes, or doing last-minute work they forgot about. You can always set a daily reminder to check if there’s any homework due the following day. It also helps to set reminders to start preparing for tests and exams. For these purposes, you can use the MyStudyLife app. Moreover, you can also use a planner or Google Calendar for that.

12. Divide Big Tasks

The main reason for procrastination among students is the enormity of the tasks. Big tasks often seem more daunting to students. Therefore, it is important to break every big task down into smaller tasks. For instance, instead of deciding to work on your history paper, you might break the task down into smaller tasks like deciding a topic first and so on.

13. Get 8 Hours of Sleep

Students who perform well are compelling students. As the research shows, rest is an imperative piece of turning into a compelling learner.Sleep supports memory and upgrades learning. So hit the sack at generally a similar time each day, and focus on it to get 8 hours of rest an evening.

14. Create a Conducive Studying Environment

Here are some tips to create a more conducive studying environment:

Tidy your desk daily
Ensure that you have all the stationery, notebooks, etc. that you need
Ensure that the lighting in the room is suitable
Use earplugs to block out noise if necessary
Put up one or two motivational quotes at your study area
Get a comfortable chair
Remove all distractions from the room

15. Keep Deadlines in Check

In order to keep your deadlines in check, you should use Google Calendar, Google Keep or a good old planner to keep track of your important dates, and you’ll become a more effective student.

16. Take notes during class

I’m always surprised by how many students tell me that they don’t take notes in class. It’s important to take notes in class because it helps you to pay attention and to learn the concepts better. I prefer taking notes in a linear, sequential manner. But there are several other note-taking systems that you can learn about here.

17. Ask Questions

Asking your friends and teachers questions about what you’re learning is a great way to stay engaged. Asking questions indicates that you understand the new material. You should not be afraid of asking silly questions because you always learn something new. Besides, if you pay attention in class, your questions are likely to be more logical and insightful.

18. Eat Healthy

Research shows that the better your nutrition, the better your brain function. And the better your brain function, the better your performance in school. Therefore, you should focus on eating green vegetables and hydrating properly.

19. Manage your Thoughts

Students who lose focus or motivation are typically discouraged. After facing a lot of discouragement, they often internalize their fears and sense of discouragement. You should always keep your thoughts in check and make a conscious effort not to internalize these fears of failure. Believe yourself.

20. Take a few minutes to prepare for each class

As Benjamin Franklin once said, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” Mentally preparing yourself for class has an immense impact on your daily activities. Every day before class, you should do a quick recap of the previous topic, because the new topic will likely build on what you’ve already learned. This process won’t take long, but it will pay off in the long run.

21. Give Yourself Rewards

To keep yourself motivated, give yourself little rewards at whatever point conceivable. For instance, you may conclude that following 45 minutes of work, you’ll reward yourself with a 5-minute YouTube video. Or then again on the off chance that you appreciate working out, you may conclude that after you finish your math and science schoolwork, you’ll do a 30-minute exercise. Prizes are a basic method to urge you to work, in any event, when you don’t feel like it.

22. Manage Your Stress

Students who don’t manage their stress well are more likely to experience performance anxiety and get worse grades. Manage your stress by taking deep breaths, meditation, preparing ahead.

23. Follow the Deadlines

Again, this tip may sound as old as time, but it has proven to be incredibly useful over the years. You must always follow the deadline submissions for your homework. Make it a non-negotiable to submit your homework on time, and give a good effort for each assignment. This is the foundation of doing well in school.

24. Challenge Yourself

Everyday you should make an extra effort to challenge yourself to do a little more than the assigned homework. Small steps like these lead you towards your goal. These small steps can be anything like looking for resources online, watching an informative documentary etc. this will help you find solace in what you are studying.

25. Take a Rest

Doing well in school is not just about getting good grades. It’s about living a more balanced and mindful life that’s focused on contributing to others. To lead a balanced life, it’s important to set aside time for relaxation. Block out time for relaxation in your weekly schedule to ensure that you don’t burn out.

26. Be Consistent

In addition to having a regular weekly schedule that you stick to, it’s important to be consistent about your study time. The more consistent you are, the less likely it is that you’ll need to feel “inspired” to get down to work. On the contrary, you’ll get down to work out of habit and routine. This is crucial if you want to manage your time as a student effectively.

27. Have a Specific Plan or Objective for each Study Session

Many students share with me that their mindset toward studying is that they’ll “study hard”. On a whim, it may sound good but actually, it reflects that the student does not have a specific objective or plan. Therefore, this is not the way effective students approach academics. For each study session, you should set a clear objective as to what you intend to achieve by the end of that said session. This might be to read through a set of notes thoroughly or complete 30 multiple-choice questions or finishing the analysis of a short story.

28. Use Memory Techniques

Some Memory techniques are very effective tools to retain information more quickly. Here are some of the most useful ones we have found the most effective over the years:
Acronyms, visualisation, chunking, association.

29. Test Yourself

Don’t assume that just because you’ve read the notes and looked through some examples that you understand the material well. For all you know, you might have been daydreaming during those study sessions. What else should you do? Test yourself periodically. Do plenty of practice questions and keep a list of the mistakes you’ve made, so that you won’t repeat those mistakes in the exam.

30. Take Practice Exams Under Exam Conditions

It isn’t practical to do too many practice exams under exam conditions, because it’s time-consuming. But before every exam, I recommend that you do at least two to three practice exams under exam conditions. This will help you to prepare adequately, and will train you to deal with the time pressure of the exam too.

31. Prepare in Advance

Cramming for tests is always a bad idea. I recommend that you set a reminder on your phone (or make a note in your planner) one to two weeks before every scheduled test, so that you’ll start preparing for the test. For big exams, I recommend that you start studying four weeks in advance or more. This tip is a vital one for students to implement.

32. Find Ways to Help Others and Contribute

Students regularly lose inspiration when they center a lot around accomplishment and too minimal on commitment. All things considered, the point of training is to get furnished with abilities and information so you can help other people. At the point when understudies dismiss this, they some of the time feel as though school is aimless. To keep things in context, discover basic approaches to contribute to your ability as an understudy, for example chipping in, raising money, taking care of issues in your school, serving the oppressed.

33. Develop a Sense of Purpose

Develop a sense of purpose. Few students can maintain a consistent level of concentration and drive if they lack a sense of purpose. If students feel as if their school life is just about striving to get straight A’s, they will likely run out of steam.

34. Do Not Blame Others

The way to create strength is to assume full liability for your life. This implies that you won’t reprimand others for anything that is going on in your life. No accusing your instructors, guardians or companions. No accusing the school head or the public authority. No playing the person in question. At the point when you adopt this strategy toward your understudy life, you’ll see that there’s continually something you can do to advance the circumstance. You should never make it a practice to blame others. It never reflects good on you and yo always come off as slacky and irresponsible to say the least.


If you apply all the tips in this article, it’s almost impossible that you won’t become a better student. Of course, it’s neither reasonable nor practical to expect you to implement all the tips at once. You can incorporate these tips one after the other. After all, the road to success is built one step at a time. Success – as a student and in life in general – is about daily choices and habits. Incorporating these steps one day at a time will help you lead a more balanced, mindful life. Implement one or two tips in the coming week, and get some like-minded friends to join you. Moreover, you should be consistent in your practice. Slowly, You will soon find that you’re becoming a more successful student who’s leading a more balanced life too.

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Austin has 10+ years of experience in teaching. He has researched on thousands of students-related topics, issues, and concerns. You will often find him writing about the common concerns of students, their nutrition, and what is beneficial for their academics and health both.